Contact us

Box Office (204) 942-5483

Please phone or email the appropriate staff member below directly to achieve the quickest response.


Contact our staff

General Office
(204) 942-7291
Managing Director
Katie Inverarity (she/her)
(204) 925-5251
Artistic Director
Ann Hodges (she/her)
(204) 925-5250
Director of Marketing
Haanita Seval (she/her)
(204) 925-5256
Manager of Social Media & Digital Engagement
Madeline Sweetland (she/her)
(204) 925-5257
Director of Development & External Affairs
Carman Johnston (he/him)
(204) 925-5263
Manager of Finance & Administration
Christine Kennedy (she/her)
(204) 925-5254
Patron Services Manager
Lizabeth Kogan (she/her)
(204) 925-5255
Box Office Representatives
Alison Holliday (she/her/they/them), Denby Perez (she/her), Bennette Villones (they/them)
(204) 942-5483
Production Manager
Wayne Buss (he/him)
(204) 925-5262
Head of Lights & Sound
Cari Simpson (she/her)

To contact the Board of Directors:

Please email: