PTE's facility is fully accessible, including the Box Office (wheelchair-height window), washrooms, lobby and lounge.
Because the first row of seats in PTE's theatre is level with the stage (you actually sit with your feet on the stage floor), there is easy access for those who are unable to climb stairs, as well as several wheelchair spots.
Railings are in place to assist those who need the help to climb stairs.
Walkers can be stored with coats just inside the doors of the theatre, until needed to exit.
Hearing Assist:
An audio-enhancing hearing system is available for those with hearing challenges. The equipment is available at the lobby café.
Relaxed Performances:
Relaxed performances are intended specifically to be sensitive to and welcoming of patrons who may benefit from a more casual environment, such as members of the Disability Community, Neurodiverse and anyone who may want extra support in attending. The sounds and lights at a relaxed performance are slightly modified to be less startling, and the house lights are kept on at a very low level throughout the performance to allow for safe movement around the theatre. Members of the audience are free to move in and out of their seats, or in and out of the theatre, as needed. In addition, a quiet space has been set aside in the lobby for those who need it during the performance.
Attending a relaxed performance doesn’t mean you will see a different show. The same level of quality is maintained in all of our performances, and any adjustments made to the technical aspects are designed to be unobtrusive and stay true to the spirit and enjoyment of the play envisioned by the creative team.
Here is the Venue Guide to guide you through the experience of attending a show at PTE.
A Fact Sheet will be prepared to give you specific information about a play to help you know what to expect in terms of language, characters and sensory prompts. You'll find that on the webpage of the specific play you're attending.
If a Relaxed Performance is the best choice for you, call the PTE Box Office at 204-942-5483 to access a special price of $25 plus a complimentary companion seat.
Please check the page of the play you wish to see for the date of the Relaxed performance.
American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreted Performances:
Each play in the PTE season will feature one performance with ASL interpretation, to welcome patrons for whom that service will reduce a barrier to seeing live theatre.
The interpreters are situated to the side of the stage area within easy viewing of the patrons who need them.
If you would like to make use of the service, please call the Box Office at 204-942-5483 (or use RVS) to book your tickets so that you can be seated at the best angle for viewing the interpreters at the special price of $25 plus a complimentary companion seat.
Please check the page of the play you wish to see for the date of the ASL performance.
Audio Described Performances:
In an audio described show, blind and low-vision audience members can listen to a private description of the visual aspects of the performance described live via a small radio receiver and personal headset. It’s a live verbal commentary by a trained describer occasionally speaking "between the lines" to describe entrances, exits, actions, and key props, as well as descriptions of set and costumes before the show starts.
Headsets for audio description will be available in the lobby before the performance. Supply may be limited.
If you plan to attend the Audio Described performance to use the service, call the PTE Box Office at (204) 942-5483 to access the special ticket price of $25 plus a complimentary companion seat.
Please check the page of the play you wish to see for the date of the Audio Described performance.
Guide Dogs:
Guide dogs are welcome at PTE. Please let the Box Office know that you require an aisle seat, so that your guide dog has a comfortable place during the performance.
Service Animals:
PTE is committed to welcoming persons with disabilities who are accompanied by a Service Animal. Confirmation of the Service Animal may be required by PTE staff or volunteers. Confirmation may be presented in the form of a document provided by a regulated health professional, or by a badge attached to the animal’s harness or vest. In the case of a CNIB guide dog, the yellow vest is the confirmation. At this time, PTE cannot accommodate persons who are accompanied by an animal without appropriate certification.
We recommend contacting the PTE Box Office at in advance of your performance to discuss the best seating options for the animal’s comfort.
Gender-Inclusive Washrooms:
The washrooms in our facility are not specifically designated as men or women. There are only stalls in each, with walls that come down closer to the floor, and absolutely no gaps in the walls between stalls, to ensure privacy.