American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreted Performance
Each play in the PTE season will feature one performance with ASL interpretation to welcome patrons for whom the service will reduce a barrier to seeing live theatre.
The interpreters are situated to the side of the stage area within easy viewing of the patrons who need them.
A section of seats with the best sight-lines to the interpreters have been set aside for each ASL interpreted performance. Those seats are available to members of the Deaf, deaf and hearing-loss community at the reduced price of $25 (regular price is $55). In addition, a companion seat is offered at no charge.
Please check the performance schedule of the play to find the date of the ASL interpreted performance.
If you would like to make use of this service, please either phone 204-942-5483 using VRS or email PTE Box Office to book your tickets so that you can be seated at the best angle for viewing the interpreters and receive the correct pricing.